Brad Hiskins
Principal Soft Tissue Therapist

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- Bachelor of Science (maj. Exercise Physiology)
- Advanced Diploma of Health Science (Soft Tissue Therapy)
- Diploma of Remedial Massage
Brad is a very experienced Therapist (30 years in practice), working at the Australian Institute of Sport for 11 years, Five Olympic Games (2 as head of service) and two Commonwealth Games (both as head of service). Brad has extensive experience in the sporting world, including being president of Sports Medicine Australia (ACT branch). Brad has also presented both nationally and internationally and taught at Canberra Institute of Technology for 12 years.
Association Membership
- Massage and Myotherapy Association – provider #12237
- Myotherapy Australia full member
- Sports Medicine Australia
Professional Achievements
- Soft Tissue Therapist at the Australian Institute of Sport from 1994 to 2005
- Five Olympic Campaigns (Soft Tissue Therapist); Atlanta, Sydney, Athens and Beijing with Australian Head Quarters. London with Australian Triathlon
- Head of service (Soft Tissue Therapy) Athens and Beijing Olympic Games
- Head of service, Manchester and Melbourne Commonwealth Games
- East Asian Games Head of service 2001 &2002
- ACT Brumbies Soft Tissue Co-ordinator 2006-2010
- President, A.C.T branch, Sports Medicine Australia 2007-2009
- Provider of Soft Tissue Therapy to numerous national sporting teams and A.I.S athletes
- Soft Tissue Therapist to the National Triathlon Team 1998 – 2012
- Triathlon world championships 1998-2012
- Track Cycling world championships 1995-1998
- Australian Olympic Soccer team 1998-2000
- AIS Swim team travel 1996-2002
- Author of Soft Tissue Therapy eMag
- Developer of
- National Industry Competency contributor/developer
Treatment Areas of Interest
- Running and Triathlon injuries and maintenance
- Plantar Fascia, heal and Achilles pain
- Shin and knee pain
- ITB, hamstring pain
- Hip pain
- Shoulder pain
- Pelvic and hip issues and related dysfunction
- Osteitis Pubis
- Stiffness and instabilities
- Chronic pain conditions
- Nerve related conditions
- Thoracic Outlet syndrome
- lower and upper limb peripheral nerve pain (ex: sciatic pain, carpel tunnel)